How to Order Retouching

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All of our school gallery delivered images include our overall basic edit. We make our best efforts to make sure your child is in their best mood and put their best faces forward. But sometimes a little retouching is needed to remove scrapes, blemishes, or in this case- a Spiderman sticker- from the final image. 🙃

To view and purchase the retouching add on:

  1. Simply select a photo, and select the shopping cart icon or select the yellow button that says 'BUY PHOTO'.

  2. Choose the top menu option that says 'RETOUCH'

  3. Select the 'SINGLE PHOTO RETOUCH'

  4. Select the ‘ADD TO CART'

  5. Click 'CHECK OUT' once in the check out page, scroll down to
    'NOTES TO STUDIO' click '+ADD NOTE TO STUDIO' in this portion you are able to note exactly what you want to be retouched on your child's photo(s)

  6. ‘SAVE NOTE’ then ‘PLACE ORDER’ and that’s it!



Copy of Retouch B_A MSP.png
Jenny Grimm