All About Digitals

When we arrive on picture day, we aim to capture as much of your child’s personality as possible. One of the first steps to producing a high resolution photo that can be printed with good detail is by shooting in RAW format.



A RAW file is the most common file format that captures uncompressed data. These files tend to be very large because this file format is used to store the fullest details of the captured images so that they can be edited with the photographer’s taste and preference. If you remember from growing up how film is used: a RAW file is essentially a negative. It’s UNedited, but with a lot of potential.

Basically, we use this so we can provide a high resolution image in the end for you to print and enjoy.



We hold ourselves to a high standard. We take time to take, organize, edit, and deliver quality images that you can enjoy both digitally and printed. In order to do this, it takes time and training to be able to do this. Without our experience in the field, it wouldn’t be possibly to provide these portraits.

Digitals are a luxury item. When film was popular, photographers never parted with their negatives. Now we can conveniently share our ‘negatives’ with our clients online. With our high-resolution digitals, we also include a print-image, print release (this enables you to print the images as many times as you wish), and makes much sharing easier.



The images we sell are our creations and artwork. When we print an image, we only use professional printers that guarantee our images will reflect the color we produce. When the digital image is sold, we lose control of that image, how it is presented, and how it is represented to the world.

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