Modern School Portraits®

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We're In This Together

Our THOUGHTS during these challenging times


As photographers specializing in children and preschools, we thrive on providing milestone memories for you and your extended families. Watching your kids grow up together is a wonderful way to share and remember what matters most. We’re striving to spread hope and focus on the positive.

Although our current conditions has created physical distance and heartbreak, it’s also important to remember that it’s demonstrated our need to be connected. It’s personally motivated me to get back to serving you the experience of updated quality portraits as soon as possible. Our community will be forever changed, but we’ll look back on all the shared memories we made at home. I can’t wait to regroup with our team and see your cute kiddos’ smiles again soon!

School photography update

As a result of our current situation, we’ve had to postpone/cancel several of our Spring Picture Day events, including our Spring POP-UP. We will be in touch with those who have registered via email.

To those families and schools we HAVE photographed, your patience is appreciated as we prepare to launch your Spring 2020 school gallery of images to your head of school/director a bit behind schedule. I’ve had to personally regroup and re-pivot our action plan with reduced productive working hours from home. (Young children are needy, go figure!) All of this would not have been possible without my colleague, Janet- who has been dedicated to working behind the scenes and getting us organized. I’m forever grateful!!


All of our partnered professional print labs are located in states with the Stay at Home order currently in place. Delays are expected until their staff can safely return to their labs and resume producing print work.

We’re committed to keeping you up to date on the latest information about any production delays. Please check back often for our latest status!

XO Jenny